WordPress SEO template

HTML Sitemap for WordPress
February 9, 2023 – 02:03 pm

HTML sitemap for wordpress, as shown on YoastAn HTML sitemap (as opposed to an XML sitemap) is often mentioned as being useful for SEO. They certainly are if you use them wisely (and especially Bing seems to like them at times), but I like them even more for the fact that users like them a lot.

There’s plenty of plugins out there that will help you make an HTML sitemap. It’s not a feature in my WordPress SEO plugin just yet, but it might become one. The issue is though, that in most cases, you’ll want to do specific things with your sitemaps, include or exclude certain pages / post types, show certain taxonomies, etc. That’s why I tend to advice people to create a Sitemap Page template in their theme and use that.

In fact, I advise you to use a theme partial, so you can reuse your HTML sitemap template on your WordPress 404 error pages too. To do that, follow these steps: first of all, create a partials folder within your theme folder. In that partials folder, create a file called sitemap.php.

Source: yoast.com
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