Edinburgh SEO Services

Realise your website’s potential and improve search results
- 8 experienced SEOs at your service with competitive terms and rates
- Track record of number 1 listings on competitive terms
- Current monthly retainer clients have trusted their SEO to us for an avg. of 3 years
- Experience across a range of industries, ecommerce and B2B.
So…Why go for Attacat’s SEO?
Take advantage of the SEO ‘easy wins’Fixing problems and acquiring the links and traffic you really should be getting
Become genuinely remarkable
Deserving to rank over your competitors in search engines – bringing you the right kind of visitors, who want to buy what you’re offering.
Future proof your business
Good SEO is scalable and on-going and delivers benefits long into the future. Which means you save on marketing costs down the line.
Create a website that visitors want to, and will find easy to, use.
Fill your site with the good stuff
Exceptional, relevant content that will generate links and buzz without you having to ask for them.
Stop cheating Google – earn and keep the respect of search engines
Shortcuts and so-called “tricks” will get you into big, potentially business-annihilating, trouble. If you’re yourself suffering from dodgy SEO in the past we can help you to recover your site traffic after a rankings drop or search engine penalty.

The way we DON’T do SEO
Once upon a time, it was possible to do SEO quick, cheap and dirty, and more often than not it did actually get results. But those days are long gone and Google is now penalising sites that don’t play by, so we don’t do the following junk – it either won’t work or will get you wiped off the face of Google:
- Buying crappy links
- Adding your site to unread online directories
- Blindly stuffing your site with keywords
- Expecting big results from tiny changes
- “Doing SEO” once and then forgetting about it for years
If you’re on this page looking for any of the above – then I’m afraid it’s so long, friend: we’re not for you. If you’ve been penalised for this type of thing then we can definitely help you find out why and recover.
The way we do SEO…and get results
Everybody is different, so the first step is to have a chat and a cup of tea and find out exactly what you need. We don’t believe in “off the shelf” products or have set ‘services’ as such, as what gets done depends on what is right for your company and your site; however our work broadly fits into a combination of the following categories:
- Site audits and technical optimisation
- Product marketing strategy and creating content
- SEO-friendly website builds and launches