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How to Make Your Website Source Code Optimized for SEO
December 6, 2023 – 03:10 pm

website source codeEvery marketing professional knows how important SEO is in the age of digital technology. But if you’re on a marketing team with beginner to intermediate knowledge of SEO, what do you need to know to launch your first successful SEO campaign?

In this webinar, Sean Work, who manages the KISSmetrics blog, attempts to share everything you need to know about the foundations of SEO in 45 minutes. He discusses things like how to optimize your site, create content, and bring traffic to your site.

Sean previously worked as a SEO manager at Advantage Marketing Consulting Services, which provided search marketing services for Fortune 500 companies, such as Thomson Reuters and Samsung.

how to view a websites source codeThere are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about SEO:

  • Don’t bank on SEO to be the key driver for your business.
  • You can’t control Google, but you can control what goes on your site.

Know Thy Source Code!

titletagThis is what source code looks like:

If you look at the source code on any web page, you’ll see something like this. Source code isn’t scary. It’s simply the code that web browsers “read” to figure out how to display a webpage’s contents. Google and other search engines read your source code to find out what your site is about.

To view source code, you go to a web page and do one of the following (depending on your browser):

Title Tag

titletagexampleThe title tag is the most important element on any web page. If you do a ‘Control + U’ on any page, you’ll see the title tag in source code. It’s bounded by title tags.

You want to make sure you only have one title tag per page. What you put in the title tag is basically how Google decides what’s going to be in search engine results.

Google has been experimenting with changing this a little bit, but for most of the time, they repeat exactly what’s in your title tag into the search engine web page, so it’s really important that you craft your title tag so that it reads well and people will click on the link. A lot of people will tell you to put your most important keywords into this tag, but be careful about that. You don’t want to be obsessed with keywords. You want it to come naturally. Describe what the page is about and write it like you’re a copywriter. One thing to keep in mind is: how would you write this if you were going to write it as an advertisement in a brochure? The more naturally, the better chance people will click on it.

Meta Description

The next thing we have in any web page is the meta description, which looks like this:

metadescription metadescriptionexample h1 nofollow
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