SEO my site for free
So, you've read dozens - if not hundreds - of SEO articles on the web. You've digested countless tips and tricks for improving your website's SEO. You've even (over)paid that self-proclaimed "expert" to help you develop an SEO strategy that aligns with your business' goals.
But after all of the reading and learning and strategizing, it dawns on you: You haven't actually done anything yet.
Especially when it comes to on-page SEO, there's no excuse for dragging your feet. After all, you get to establish what the topic and/or goal of a particular page will be. You get to decide on the target audience for that page. And get to choose the target keywords and phrases you want to focus on.
The difficult part, no doubt, is coming up with a method for organizing and tracking all of those various on-page SEO elements.
If you have been in search of such a method, you're in luck: The HubSpot marketing team recently released an updated version of our

Seach Engine Optimization (SEO) Dominaton Package - 3 in 1 bundle: SEO backlinking, Private Blog Networks, Social NetworkiNG for SEO, Wordpress SEO, Create A Wordpress Site. eBooks |
SOCIAL MEDIA SEO BACKLINKING Late 2015 Edition: How to use social media as backlink to your SEO websites (Beginners Training Only) (REDIFY SEO SERIES Book 4) eBooks |