SEO Ready WordPress Themes

WordPress Themes that are SEO Friendly
February 28, 2019 – 10:40 am

SEO Friendly WordPress ThemesThe team at EmbraceWP and our support packages are all about SEO optimization on the technical and organic level. But do we practice what we preach? The following resource explains why our themes are ready for SEO, what that means, and how you can optimize your site to be SEO friendly.

The Technical: Header Tags (H1 versus H2)

We start with the header tags. Remember that golden rule? The one that reads, “Thou shall only have one H1 tag?”

You would be shocked and amazed how many themes and websites (even on the WordPress platform) don’t follow this rule. When we use tools like the, we are amazed at how often pages have two, three, or even four H1 tags!!

Our themes are designed to treat the Site Title as the H1 tag on the front page of our content and the title of the page or post as the H1 on all other pages for maximum conversion.

The Technical: Page Load Speed

The team at Slocum Themes creates assets that are clean and lean. On our, we use SVG graphics so that all page load is dedicated to the large images you will want to display on your site.

A great place to look for themes that are clean is on the WordPress repository.

We use the as a sort of test. Does it make the cut to the WordPress moderators? Yes? Great, the theme has been coded with WordPress in mind and doesn’t have a bunch of flash and crud bringing it down.

Modern Business WordPress Theme Demo ImageThe Organic: Call-to-Actions

If you are a fan of our SEO Lunch web show on YouTube or found our site through an SEO help search on Google, you might already understand that SEO goes beyond the technical. There are plenty of elements of SEO that are not as black and white. Creating good content that converts, for example, requires a structure and practice that optimizes keywords.

Similarly, the way a site is laid out is ALSO a science.

Our themes were designed and developed to make it easy to display content where it counts — designed to bring attention to call-to-actions.

Check out this image of our, which has designated widget areas for address information and hero spaces to put important content on a landing page.

The Organic AND Technical: Responsive Design

While desktop traffic is still king, mobile devices are becoming more and more popular for web browsing. Whether it be a tablet or mobile phone, having a website that requires pinching to zoom and navigate is just NOT PRACTICAL. A website that has a certain look for mobile phone, tablet, and desktop is the way of the future.

Developing a theme or website to be “responsive” is a very technical thing, but the application is organic. I am more likely to stick with a brand or site if I can access it easily on any device.

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