What are the best SEO Tools?
Being an SEO consultant, I’ve had the priviledge to have met and come across well respected and leading specialist in this niche. The secret to their success and their client success is largely due to proven best SEO tools used for various campaigns, analysis, project execution e.t.c.
From dominating Google’s first page to social media successes; it all boils down to timely use of these best SEO tools.
The world of SEO ( Search engine optimization) is a constantly changing world and as such, its important to follow the trend and keep up with the momentum. In 2015 and beyond, it is imperative to know and make use of these tools, as they are basically modern in approaches to SEO concepts. I will simply explain, describe and recommend 10 of these tools for your online success, and they fall into five categories.
- Blog and website Audit
- Keyword and competitor research
- Link building and backlinking models
- Social media optimization
- Email marketing and subscription optimization
Lets proceed!!
- 1# Keyword and competitor research
Understanding the basics of your choice keyword ( Geographical, popularity, demographic factors, no of monthly searches), its comparison to your closest competitor is important. Recommended SEO tools for this includes:
Please, see the below link where I gave a full explanation, guidelines with reviews on tools:
- 2# Link building and backlinking models
I am a firm believer in the fact that getting quality backlinks is the single most important SEO strategies you need to dominate Google first page, and beat your competitors. SEO is not complete without backlinks ( called inbound links e.t.c.), infact, the major factor Google takes into consideration for its search rankings is quality backlinks, quality content and social media signals ( they are modern SEO models).
In as much as importance should be given to the quality and source of your backlinks, the same attention should be given to links and backlinks that are coming out from your blog or site to others.
For your link building campaign, the following SEO tools are highly recommended:
Credible link building is the soul of winning and ranking high on Google; there are so many SEO tools out there who claim to help you be on the first page of Google, but they are lying and will eventually land you in Google’s penalty net.

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