Real Estate SEO Consultants
This page was originally created for one purpose: to attempt to demonstrate that there is no SEO power drain because I have a silly widget installed. However, in case you’re visiting from my other blog, I will expand on the idea of SEO for real estate agents and the concept of widget-drain. (Look mom, I just coined a phrase!)
I am targeting the phrase “real estate SEO expert” with this post– and I am going to try and do it (*Gasp!*) without draining my “Google juice.”
So silly!
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the Zillow widget in the sidebar will destroy this page’s power. Because that makes sense, right?
It doesn’t.
Basic Concepts of SEO for Real Estate Agents
First and foremost, if you want your real estate website to rank highly in Google, it should be useful. It should be pleasing to the eye. It should be easy to navigate. If you want to add any free widgets from any major real estate website and you think that the widgets will add value to your site– you should add them.
Ultimately, although you’re technically providing the widget creator with a link, that isn’t going to destroy your online presence or knock you from page one. It is also not going to help your competition to beat you. With life…and SEO…it’s always easier to blame somebody else for your woes. And if you hire a consultant who doesn’t know their stuff, it’s even easier for him or her to place blame.
In reality, it’s best to keep your eye on the prize and focus on your own task at hand: getting ranked on page one of Google, regardless of who shares that space with you.
When we take a realtor as an SEO client, getting natural in-bound links is a top priority for us, as it should be for any SEO company or consultant.
By the same token, we pay little attention to outbound links on client sites, with only one exception:
Remember: It’s supposed to be the World Wide Web.
The only type of outbound links that we have a rock-solid position on is “reciprocal links.” If you are a Realtor who trades links with other Realtors, that’s one of the first things that we’ll address. (Stop it!) On the other hand, if you link to other real estate-related websites, all in the name of creating good content, we think that’s just fine. In fact, we consider good outbound linking an important SEO strategy. That strategy being: Create a useful, relevant page and provide links to other useful, relevant pages- and that makes your pages more useful and relevant.
That wouldn’t be much of a world wide web now would it? You’re not really part of the information superhighway if your website is on a little island with no outbound links.
How does Google know you are credible? How can your real estate content be of high quality if you don’t link to any sources or cite any references? For goodness sakes, Google knows about Zillow.
Honestly, they do.
Or, the experts might tell you to make all of your links “no follow”- another silly premise.
Matt Cutts says that if someone pays for a link, then it should be a “no follow” link.
So if you follow the advice of 95% of the SEO “gurus” out there, they’re basically telling you to fill your website with- what looks like- to the Googlebot.

SEO Expert Strategies: SEO Consultant Spills His Secrets - Discover How To Rank Higher, Outsource To The Right SEO Service Provider And Take Advantage Of Free Search Engine Traffic Book (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) |